
May 03, 2019 | What's On | Published by :
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Planning a corporate event? Here’s what you need to know

Corporate events can be stressful because you want to make a good impression on the people who will be at the event – and you don’t want to let anyone down! Here at MCO Events, we strongly advise having an Event Coordinator for your project to manage all the key elements to have a successful return on investment for the occasion.

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Start Up Grind APAC Conference (2018)

Here we have jotted down the specific event areas you should be across when running a corporate event:

1. Timeframes
Create a run sheet that details what time everything is meant to happen, the duration of each speaker or item and any extra information you may need to know – for example special equipment to be available at that time etc.

2. Sound and lighting
Make sure you test sound and lighting on the day of the event and that you feel 100% comfortable with it. If not, speak to the audio visual technician on site about your concerns. Also check any slides or visual aids are saved onto the Desktop AND on a USB within reach. This means, if one fails you have the backup ready to go.

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Order of events to include networking opportunities

3. Room layout
Work with the venue event coordinator to come up with a room layout for your event. You will need to have a small map of the room and a firm decision on how everyone will be seated so that they can see the presentations. Make sure you know where the toilets, fire exits and entry/exit points are in the venue so your host/MC can provide clear instructions during housekeeping.

4. Invitations
Double check your event list and be sure everyone has been invited who needs to be, particularly the more senior managers who are attending the event. You may also like to check if they have any special requirements that need to be taken into account on the day.

Corporate Event Catering

Grazing Platters are a popular event catering food station

5. Order of events
Once you have an agenda for the day be sure you share it with everyone at the event. You may like to create an agenda that is presented at the beginning of the day, or print a copy for everyone to have and refer to at their leisure throughout the day.

6. Signals
Speak to the presenters at the event and let them know how you will signal to them that they have 3 or 5 minutes left and then 1 minute left. Also let them know what happens if they do go over – if someone will come on stage to cut them off or how the event will proceed to keep it on time.

7. Q&A time
Allow time in your agenda for people to have Q and As with their presentation. This is important as often at corporate events it is people who aren’t in a room together often, so this is their opportunity to seek clarification.

8. Finalise catering
Be across the catering and ensure that anyone with any special dietary requirements is properly catered for. If you are organising planned seating, ensure the caterers know where to go in the room to deliver that person’s meal – you may like to share the lunch room plan with them. This is also a good time to ensure there will be enough food and the times it will all be served.

Visit us or send us an enquiry to find out more about us and our preferred suppliers including: venues, AV equipment, event staff, decorations and transport to help create your next corporate event!